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Design Showcase: Supporting Action

Sometimes the smallest details can tie an event together and deliver authenticity throughout the experience.


The Why

AJ recently went “all-in” on this notion at a major tech christening. In addition to the impact of the video reveals and cohesive branding materials, AJ also found opportunities to “dial up” the little touches – like generating code snippets to direct audience members between showtimes. The creative concept gave everyone a peak behind the curtain as the show-runners controlled the environment, revealing “coding moments” to queue up each segment. 

The What

Each piece of code and the language they were written in was matched syntactically and mimicked inside a text editor to instill a sense of authenticity. Sound design enhanced the effect as it emulated a seasoned programmer tapping away on a mouse and keyboard while the programming appeared on a 60’ LED screen. For those paying attention, there were Easter Eggs left in plain sight – taking the message of the interstitial (like “lunch”) and integrating related ideas into the code syntax. 

The result:

Although only 15 seconds per snippet, these coding moments deeply resonated with the tech community in attendance, customizing and enhancing their individual experiences in a language only they can understand (literally).