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Beyond Business: How Sustainable Event Planning Shapes a Better Future

Corporate events hold significant potential to leave a lasting impact on participants, the environment, and communities. Embracing sustainability in corporate event planning underscores an important message: a commitment to minimizing ecological footprints, promoting social inclusivity, and ensuring economic viability. This shift reflects the understanding that corporate events are more than just business transactions; they are opportunities to embrace values that resonate with stakeholders and contribute positively to society. Integrating sustainability into corporate event planning is not just a trend but a strategy aligned with responsible business practices.

As a part of the team responsible for planning these events, you have a unique opportunity to make a real difference. Here are the top tips to help you make your event eco-friendlier:

Sustainability in Event Planning: The Power of Messaging

Incorporating sustainability into event planning does more than reduce environmental impact; it reinforces an organization's values and commitment to a better future. This aspect of sustainability can be an important tool in corporate communication. By hosting events prioritizing eco-friendly practices, companies exhibit environmental stewardship and align themselves with the growing public concern for the planet.

Sustainable events become platforms for companies to showcase innovation and leadership in corporate responsibility. This can enhance brand image and appeal, especially among environmentally conscious consumers and partners. Furthermore, it provides an opportunity for meaningful engagement with attendees, who often appreciate and resonate with green initiatives. The message is clear: sustainability is not an afterthought but a core element of the company's identity and mission.


Tips for Intentional Green Event Planning :

Making your events unforgettable for both your attendees and the planet becomes simpler by integrating eco-friendly practices throughout every event planning stage. As an eco-friendly event partner, our dedicated 'Green Captains' team is here to guide you through this process. We turned to them for their best sustainability planning advice, and here’s what they had to say:


Start with an Audit

A sustainability audit gives you a detailed view of your event's environmental footprint. It pinpoints where you can make significant changes and assists in setting achievable, effective goals for your eco-friendly transition.


Research Sustainable Venue  

The right venue is key to planning any green event. Research a variety of venues and choose one that aligns with sustainability values. Look for places with a LEED certification badge or those offering environmentally friendly outdoor spaces. Venues with eco-friendly amenities such as LED lighting are a big plus.


Opt for Green Transportation

Encouraging attendees to use public transport, carpooling, or providing shuttle services with low-emission vehicles can significantly reduce the event's environmental impact.


Choose the Right Food and Beverage Partner

Choosing the right food and beverage for an event is important. Not only do you want everything to be delicious, you want it to be eaten. Food waste has a major impact on the environment. When working with a local caterer, plan portion sizes carefully to avoid excessive waste. Ask if they partner with local shelters or food pantries if there are leftovers.


Minimize Waste Reduction 

Implementing waste reduction strategies, such as recycling stations, composting, and minimizing single-use plastics, is standard practice at corporate events.  


Consider Ethical Gifting and Swag 

There are many options to choose from when it comes to attendee gifts and swag bags. Instead of generic, environmentally unfriendly items, opt for sustainable and meaningful tokens of appreciation, such as plantable seed cards or reusable bamboo products. If there are leftover items, consider donating them to local shelters. You can also ditch them altogether and donate to a sustainable charity.


Select Recyclable Print Materials

Consider using banners and signage made from recyclable paper for your print materials. Not only are they environmentally friendly, but they also add a distinctive visual element to your event. And there's a sustainable bonus: you can donate unused materials after the event. This way, you're not just minimizing waste but also contributing to a broader cycle of sustainability.


Embrace Technology and Sustainable Connectivity

Adding digital elements for your event is a nod to sustainability and fosters a connected experience. Going digital – from invitations to event apps – reduces environmental impact while keeping your audience engaged. These digital tools offer seamless information sharing, ensuring everyone is in sync. It's about creating a unified and interactive environment that resonates with attendees, making your event sustainable, inclusive, and connected.


Sustainable corporate events are more than just gatherings; they reflect a company's commitment to a better future. By prioritizing eco-friendly practices, from sourcing to execution, businesses can lead by example, showcasing their dedication to the planet while providing engaging, innovative experiences. With the right approach, every corporate event becomes an opportunity to demonstrate leadership in sustainability and make a positive impact on both attendees and the environment.

Don't just make an impression—make an impact. Let August Jackson be the eco-friendly event partner that helps your company stand out. Get in touch today, and let's create an event that's as good for the earth as it is for your brand.


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